Zjazd pontonem ze skoczni Wielka Krokiew w Zakopanem

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All tourists looking for a strong dose of adrenaline during visit in Zakopane, are invited to take event in a new attraction - a ride down in a pontoon from the famous Great Krokwia ski jump, where World Cup takes place each year. Choose from 3 height thresholds, from the lowest for the youngest to the highest for those brave?

Address Zakopane, Bronisława Czecha
Telephone 515 992 811
WWW zakoatrakcje.pl/atrakcja/atrakcje-na-skoczni/
Price range from 29 / 59 zł per person


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Date added ›  2019-08-10 (rr-mm-dd)
Page visited ›  26348 times