Spływ Dunajcem

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The tradition of Dunajec River Gorge rafting goes back to the early 20th century. Thrilling and exciting journey down with the flow of Dunajec river is one of top attractions in Pieniny National Park. More than 2 hour long rafting is a perfect opportunity to admire pure nature and beautiful landscapes.

Parking in Sromowce where the rafting point starts is only 45 km away from Zakopane. If you need transport you can take a bus from the central station in Zakopane. Rafting season starts the 1st day of April, and lasts till the 31st day of October.
Address Sromowce Wyżne, ul. Kąty 14
Telephone 18 26 29721
WWW flisacy.pl
Price range from 27 / 54 zł per person

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Date added ›  2018-01-20 (rr-mm-dd)
Page visited ›  3405 times