Góralski Ślizg

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Giant 8 slide lane located near center of Zakopane city, just under the famous Gubałówki ski lift. Slide is 5 floors high and 50 meters in length. You can slide in tandem using one mat or race simultaneously in maximum 8 person groups. The waves and inclination of the slide are positioned to give an exciting, safe and comfortable ride for everyone. A highlight in Zakopane the every child should visit:)

Address Zakopane, ul. Na Gubałówkę
Telephone 884 883 331
WWW zakoatrakcje.pl/atrakcja/goralski-slizg/
Price range from 5 / 20 zł per person


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Date added ›  2017-11-10 (rr-mm-dd)
Page visited ›  7789 times